

The cunning liars and sneaky lies told are far more interesting then the pure truth. For we all have an inclination for sin and for evil. And for many it seems to stimulate the mind.-Each lie has some sort of truth behind it

My ex[[NicoChristianson]] and I talked today for what I think to be the last time. From what I can tell he claims to be on a different level. A different place than where I am. A place "he wished I could be with him in". But I can't for the pure reason that I have to find my own way and make my own path.

We talked all week like normal until today when he write this to me in an email and it read "So it was fun for a little while, but I gotta end it...."
End what? End the relationship I was trying to build back up based on these "facts"

1.I talked to an ex of his[[Ray]]
-who came to my high school basketball game with my ex's supposed best friend[[Vi]]
-who after i was introduced wanted my number
-who after I was introduced said I was cute
-who asked me out on more than 3 dates and a declined every time

*But apparently I tried getting at him. I wanted him. I tried talking to him.
No lie I talked to the nigga on the phone a max of 10 times. Great convo. But honestly if I wanted it I would have had it.*

2.I fucked and went out with this dude[[Brandon]]
a]an apparently lied when he asked me about it
-i didn't know I was entitled to answering questions to my ex about things im doing with people. I would have ZERO problem telling the truth had it actually happened.

*But since Brandon ex told NicoChristianson that I went out with Brandon and fucked him, it MUST be true. I'm no saint. I chilled with Brandon at his house one day for about 2 hours. It was hell and he offered to ride me back to school but instead I walked*

3.My ex manager [[Brenda]]"shed some light on me"
-the same ex manger who hired her son under a false name to add extra income to her family.
-the same manager who cheated on her husband
-the same manager with 2 kids but cant hold a steady retail job for more than
3 months at a time
-the same manager who took it upon herself to tell all my co-workers i was gay

*Sounds like the type of person you would believe huh? Yea what a woman.*

As some read, don't feel stupid. Feel better knowing your cunning lies still tingle, stimulate, and emulate ignorance.

As time goes on the characters in my life will become more evident

_my first blog&&already drama_

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